
You can grow morels on the French method in specially made beds and on the German method (in the garden). Growing this mycelium on substrates in indoors is possible, but is not yet done on a large scale. Keep in mind that your culture of morels will not yield any results in the first year; Fruit formation takes place one year after sowing.

Morieljes prefer well -illuminated areas with an organic soil. They do well on earth enriched with ashes and nutrient -rich fruit in the ground. Morieljes can best be planted in a fruit orchard or on a specially designated area of ​​deciduous forest where the natural shade of the trees offers the mushrooms the necessary lighting level and at the same time protects them against direct sunlight. When making beds, it must be taken into account that morels do not tolerate the stagnation of water through the spring. That is why a good drainage system is required to drain water in the area.

Before you start growing morels, the topsoil must be replaced by a specially prepared substrate. It is made from garden soil for flowers mixed with sawdust and axle according to the following composition: for every six volumes of gardening you have to add half the amount of sawdust and a single volume axle. The prepared soil mixture must be mixed and laid on the equipped beds with a layer of 10 centimeters. The laid substrate must be cast at a speed of 10 liters of water for every 1 m beds.

Just like with the cultivation of other types of mushrooms, it is better for the Morieljekweek not to use adult mushrooms that are collected in the forest. Use breeding instead. After the garden bed is prepared, divide this brood over the entire surface and then cover it with a layer of 6 centimeters. Moisten the soil lightly with a watering can or a special sprayer, after which the bed is covered with stored natural material: Stromatten, small branches or foliage.

After sowing the beds with Mycelium, it is necessary to check the moisture level of the substrate. While the soil dries, it must be moistened with special nutritional concentrates that contribute to the accelerated and improved growth of the morile. To improve fruit formation, the top of the bed is sprinkled with a thin layer of axle. Fruit formation takes place one year after sowing and takes 3 to 5 years in one place.

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